My iPhOnE rEpLaCeD mY DSLR…

I've always been a little sad that I've never had the latest iPhone or smartphone.

I'm the kind of guy who's been ok being a few generations behind. Even as I read articles talking about how the latest camera phones were going to do away with DSLRs, I told myself, "It's fine, those articles are over exaggerating, they can't replace a REAL camera." And you know what, I think I was right. I used the iPhone 6s for five years and there's no way that could beat the quality that I've gotten from my Panasonic GH3 and more recently my Fuji X-T3. I just don't see any possible way that a camera with a fraction of the sensor size could do the same work that a dedicated system could...


What if the phone had THREE cameras instead of one?

Ultrawide with the iPhone 11 Pro

Ultrawide with the iPhone 11 Pro

So basically, I’m writing this article to justify spending waaayyyy too much money.

Does the iPhone 11 Pro replace a DSLR?

No. Also, yes? It depends.

My iPhone 11 Pro replaces a larger format camera for casual shooting.

If I'm going out with friends or a loved one for a fun trip, I don't want to lug around my big old camera with me. Even something as slim as an XT-3 won't fit in my pocket. I find even a small bag to be cumbersome if I want to be mobile and moving quickly.

A quick snapshot of some cookies with the telephoto option. Detail looks good and I like that I’m able to get a slightly shallower depth of field on such a small device.

A quick snapshot of some cookies with the telephoto option. Detail looks good and I like that I’m able to get a slightly shallower depth of field on such a small device.

Having something as powerful as the 11 Pro is going to replace my camera for casual shooting. Three cameras gives me creative options and it's a lot of fun to see my different framing options. I like having so many tools without the pressure of trying to get the BEST possible image every time I hit the shutter. 

A few weeks ago, I went on vacation. One of the days we did a coastline walk, a brewery tour, and ate dinner at a restaurant. I ended up taking six shots with my camera on the walk and then leaving it in the car for the rest. I would have rather just used my current phone and likely been happy. My favorite pics were the ones my girlfriend got because she was more focused on having fun than trying to take high quality pictures.

This was taken with an Xr I believe. “The camera you have with you…” Love the expression on my face and it was easy to grab.

This was taken with an Xr I believe. “The camera you have with you…” Love the expression on my face and it was easy to grab.

Big Cameras Exist for a Reason

But if I set out on the day to make something special? Yeah, give me a mirrorless or DSLR. I need the precision and tools that a system like that offers me to do my job. A larger lens with sensor to capture it is going to open up options that my phone just can't compete with. Depth of field advantages, huge dynamic range, and flexibility in lens choices are just a few benefits I get from a dedicated system. Doesn't matter if I'm taking pictures or video, having those features makes a difference. Below are some shots from my XT-3 that I’ve been happy with.

Wrap It Up

If you're a professional, or a serious hobbyist who understands the craft, having an amazing set of cameras in my pocket is awesome and I'm interested to see how it changes the way I work. But it won't replace the precision and features I get with my XT-3.

How about you? Still wouldn’t be caught dead heading to a beautiful spot without at least one piece of gear?